Beach entrance fee is quite cheap, at Rp 2,000, - for adults and Rp 1,500, - for the children. Not surprisingly, on weekends, especially during the holiday season arrives, the beach is packed with families who bring their children or young people who travel.
Beautifulwhite sandbeachesmakeitmore real.The beachwas cleanwitha fairlycalmsea.Lots oftrees around thebeachmakingthe beachwaslush.The visitorscantake shelteron the sidelinesplayingon the beach.Green foliageofthese treesalsocreatea more beautiful sceneryasa blendof green,white,and blueto match.
Playingon the Beach Natsepa Ambon. Beach Natsepalarge enough,evenif itwaslow tide,makingthe beachareais increased.Parentsused to takethe kidswalk down thebeachwhile occasionallydippingtheir toesinthe water.Otherparentsseemed happy toplaysand,building sand castles,orburythemselves insand.The extent ofNatsepaCoastis also afunplacefor kidstoplayfootball.Withgusts ofwindandsandsmoothto makethe childrenforget the timewhen he wasplayingball.
Withacalmseawaterdue toblockedthe bay,makingthis beachsafefor swimmingfor the visitors.Justgoesto seawhile playingwateris alsoquitesafe to do sobecause thebeachis quitegentleso as not toendanger.Youcanrent atireas abuoyto try toswimatthesebeaches.
Ifyoujustwant to enjoy thesceneryorifyou'vetired ofplaying in the wateroronthe beach,youcansitunder atreetoexpandyour view.The extent ofsoftwhitesandybeaches,calmblue waterandgreenmountainsacross theseaisverybeautifulsceneryto be enjoyed.
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